To give the reader some idea of how much my life has “meandered” here’s the short list of the things I’ve been and done in my 70 years.
I have been a veterinarian’s assistant, grocery bagger, factory worker, truck driver, car salesman, airplane parts salesman, airplane salesman, motorcycle helmet wholesaler, belt and handbag manufacturer, bargain store owner, farmer, rancher (cattle, hogs, sheep), hog confinement pen manufacturer, tin man (vinyl siding salesman), home show producer, magazine publisher, boat show producer, remodeling contractor (specializing in basements) , USCG licensed charter captain, line boat crewman, sailing instructor, and a civilian contractor in a war zone.
I’ve trained horses, roped calves, packed mules, and handmade my own saddle. I’ve fiddled in a band, and written songs (published). I’ve sailed with a wife and dog through the Bermuda Triangle and lived to tell about it (which I probably will), and sailed alone to Mexico.
I’ve performed three marriages and been the groom in seven of ’em. (but I’ve only had six wives. I married the first one twice) I’ve ridden three bulls and killed two horses. I’ve been near drowned, blown up, and plane crashed. I’ve been bull stomped, bucked off, broken hearted and bankrupt but I’ve never given up.
I’ve been a saint – of the Latter Day variety, and a sinner in the eyes of the holy. It’s been a helluva life, and it ain’t over yet.
I’ve been told I should write a book and so, one story at a time, that’s what I’m going to do on the pages of this blog. In no particular order I’m going to tell the tales of the things I’ve seen and done along the River Mike.